
I am very smart person.  Like not bragging, but I went through college with a 3.98, I’d say that’s pretty good for how
much partying I did….Anyway, my point is I am BOOK smart...Like I know a lot about math and science and can figure things out easily…..However, I am NOT common sense smart.  In fact I’ve said some pretty dumb things throughout life….in fact I do it so oftenly that my family and friends have come to call them STEPHISMS.  Here are some examples:

→One day I was looking through one of my husband’s hunting magazines (out of peer
boredom) and I saw an ad for a spray that made the deer see you in black and white so
that you didn’t stand out and you’d blend into your background when hunting.  (Now mind you,
you are SUPPOSED to spray this on your clothing before going out hunting).  I look at the
ad inquisitively and say, “So how do you get close enough to spray that in the deer’s eyes?”

→We’re in Milwaukee driving to visit some friends.  Milwaukee is a major city and home to
our busiest airport...AND I KNOW THIS…..there are tons of planes flying overhead and I say
to my hubby, “Hmmm...must be an airport nearby”.

→ One morning I go to rewarm my coffee for the hundredth time as usual. Then I completely
forget about it. Luckily we have one of those newer, smarter microwaves that will beep every
minute or so to remind you that you have food in there until you open the door and take it out.
(Except that I am not that smart...) Later on in the day I hear this beeping and I'm all, "Why the
heck is the oven beeping, I haven't even used it today". So I make sure everything is off on it,
and continue on with my day. All day long annoyingly I hear this beeping coming from the
oven (or so I think.....) and I'm getting REAL annoyed....This oven is only 5 years old it can't be
going already.....So after about 6 hours of this....UGHH!!!....My husband comes home from
hunting and I say, the piece of sh*t oven is broke, its been beeping at me all day for no
reason....He walks over, hears the beeps, and open the microwave..."Um, is this your coffee
from this morning? I think it's done".....

→ We went to a little sandwich shop and they have some awesome cookies that I LOVE to get
for dessert.  I order one to go after our meal and I’m eating it on the drive home.  I say to my
hubby, “Mmmm...this is so tastes like cookie dough…..but baked” (ahhhh, isn’t that
EXACTLY what cookies are?!?)

See, I told you I say some pretty smart things ;)


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