The Beginning of my Fitness Journey...

So in July of 2017 I decided to become a BeachBody Coach, I’m not here to sell anything, just thought I’d start with this to share my fitness journey :) …. I was always kind of the skinny girl…..but let’s just say that since having two kids, picking up some not so healthy habits (like eating a lot and drinking with my buddies, NEVER working out, and simply just being in my 30’s and for some reason only getting older)….it’s taken a toll on me….I was never happy with the way I looked anymore and my shirts were beginning to get tight on my gut…so much so that in the past school year I had three different students ask about the baby in my belly. So I decided to finally do something about it. I joined a workout group called ShiftShop through beachbody (from home – no way would I ever embarrass myself in public at a gym) ….well, I fell in love….in love with the awesome people that go along with it, in love with the shakeology, and in love with working out!....ME- the girl who used to tease when others were being physical, and say “Oh yea, I got my exercise in today…I got the mail” (my driveway is NOT long AT all ;) ). With in a couple weeks I was at an acceptable weight for myself, but I am continuing to work on myself so that I become toned and grow in strength and endurance! I want to continue my life by being and staying in shape mentally and physically. Embarrassing as it is for me to share my belly pics here they are! My Results from only three weeks……

I look forward to the successes, failures, and funny moments along the way--and hope that sharing my story can motivate, encourage, and inspire you too!...I am far from perfect, but commit to sharing the REAL me and REAL moments as I embark on a journey of health and fitness for life!
I DON'T eat all organic, all natural, non GMO, gluten free, hormone free, FLAVOR free food. I do the best I can with what I can and I don't beat myself up over it. I LOOOOVE good food ... My weaknesses are little debbies šŸ˜‹,pasta, pizza and wine. I won't EVER Give them up (well maybe it’s time I grow up and ditch the little debbies šŸ˜‰). I DO eat non processed fresh food however when I'm on track, and of course drink my Shakeology! Who knows….maybe one day I’ll be that hot lady in her fifties with the perfect bod I saw on the beach this past summer while camping….maybe not….but I promise to continue to always be the best ME that I can be!


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